You wanted a secret… Cthulhu 2: Electric Boogaloo

Earlier tonight, I said on Twitter and Facebook that if The Book of Cthulhu made it to 100 likes on this weekend, I’d share a secret. We just hit a hundred, so here you go…

…drum roll please…

Guess who’s coming back for seconds!

Cthulhu 2: Electric Boogaloo. Original artwork created for this bulletin by Vanyel Harkema, a talented young artist I met at last year’s World Fantasy Convention in San Diego.

Here’s the big secret announcement: I just signed a contract with Night Shade Books to edit The Book of Cthulhu 2, to be published in October of this year. No, we’re not actually calling it Cthulhu 2: Electric Boogaloo. As I have just begun working on this project, I don’t have more details I can share with you yet, but like the previous volume, it will be a mix of reprints and originals, showcasing even more of the best of the last several decades of Cthulhu Mythos short fiction. Watch this space as we reveal cover art and our table of contents over the next few months. Until then, here’s our working jacket copy…

Last year, Night Shade Books unleashed The Book of Cthulhu onto an unsuspecting world. Critically acclaimed as “the ultimate Cthulhu anthology” and “a ‘must read’ for fans of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos,” The Book of Cthulhu went where no collection of mythos tales had gone before: to the very edge of madness… and beyond.

For nearly a century, H. P. Lovecraft’s tales of malevolent Great Old Ones existing beyond the dimensions of this world, beyond the borders of sanity, have captured and held the imaginations of writers and aficionados of the dark, the macabre, the fantastic, and the horrible. Now, because you demanded more, anthologist Ross E. Lockhart has risked all to dive back into the Cthulhu canon, combing through mind-shattering manuscripts and moldering tomes to bring you The Book of Cthulhu 2, with even more tales of tentacles, terror, and madness.

Featuring monstrous stories by many of weird fiction’s brightest lights, The Book of Cthulhu 2 brings you even more tales inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s greatest creation: The Cthulhu mythos.

This year, the stars are right…

And if you’d like to suggest a Cthulhu Mythos story or author you feel I missed the first time around, please feel free to let me know.

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