March 5, 2014
by Ross E. Lockhart
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The Children of Old Leech are coming…

There are Things–terrifying Things–whispered of in darkened forests beyond the safe comfort of firelight: The Black Guide, the Broken Ouroboros, the Pageant, Belphegor, Old Leech… These Things have always been here. They predate you. They will outlast you. This book … Continue reading

January 28, 2014
by Ross E. Lockhart
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Tales of Jack the Ripper: Just $2.99 for a limited time!

“It’s elementary, folks,” says Inspector Elinor. “Simple math. Two dollars and ninety-nine cents equals Tales of Jack the Ripper on your Kindle, smartphone, or tablet. So visit Amazon and download a copy of Tales of Jack the Ripper, edited by … Continue reading

November 9, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
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For your consideration…

It is award season once again in genre fiction land, so I’ve been fielding occasional queries wondering whether Tales of Jack the Ripper (Word Horde) and its contents are eligible for various awards. In the interest of placing all the … Continue reading

October 31, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
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Now Available from, The Book(s) of Cthulhu

Grab your headphones and get ready to get your Weird on: THE BOOK(S) OF CTHULHU are now available as audiobooks! Order today: The Book of Cthulhu The Book of Cthulhu II And a huge shout-out to narrators Fleet Cooper … Continue reading

July 12, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
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Jack’s Back!

Are you looking forward to Tales of Jack the Ripper, the new anthology from The Book of Cthulhu editor Ross E. Lockhart? Featuring a number of noted Lovecraftian authors, including Laird Barron, Ramsey Campbell, Walter Greatshell, Joe R. Lansdale, Silvia … Continue reading

May 16, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
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Press Release: Jack the Ripper to return fall 2013

1888: One hundred and twenty-five years ago, a killer stalked the streets of London’s Whitechapel district, brutally–some would say ritualistically–murdering five women (that we know of): Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly. The … Continue reading

February 17, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
Comments Off on A second television appearance and a new review…

A second television appearance and a new review…

They say you can’t find fine literature on television. They’re wrong. Thanks to Webberly Rattencraft, The Book of Cthulhu has made a second appearance on Creepy Kofy Movie, being referenced by the Fact Rat during last night’s presentation of the … Continue reading

February 13, 2013
by Ross E. Lockhart
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The Book of Cthulhu makes its television debut…

This past Saturday, The Book of Cthulhu made its television debut on the season premiere of KOFY TV’s Creepy KOFY Movie Time. Viewers with keen eyes and the moral fortitude to look past the notorious Cave Girls will spot The … Continue reading