November 13, 2012
by Ross E. Lockhart
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The Book of Cthulhu II reviewed at BookGasm

Alan Cranis reviews The Book of Cthulhu II for Bookgasm, saying “This follow-up anthology is every bit as fine as its predecessor,” and singling out as particularly noteworthy the stories by Fritz Leiber, Neil Gaiman, Michael Chabon, and Christopher Reynaga. … Continue reading

August 2, 2012
by Ross E. Lockhart
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Fear the Weird T-shirts Now Available!

From the moment we announced the free (with SASE) Fear the Weird stickers, we’ve been inundated with one question: where are the T-shirts? Wonder no longer. We can’t wait to wrap our tentacles around your torso. Now available from independent … Continue reading

August 1, 2012
by Ross E. Lockhart
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The Book of Cthulhu II is off to the printer

It’s official! The Book of Cthulhu II files have been approved by Night Shade Books and have now been uploaded to the printer. The book will be available in stores everywhere October 2, 2012. Here’s a peek at the final … Continue reading

February 24, 2012
by Ross E. Lockhart
Comments Off on You wanted a secret… Cthulhu 2: Electric Boogaloo

You wanted a secret… Cthulhu 2: Electric Boogaloo

Earlier tonight, I said on Twitter and Facebook that if The Book of Cthulhu made it to 100 likes on this weekend, I’d share a secret. We just hit a hundred, so here you go… …drum roll please… Guess … Continue reading

November 28, 2011
by Ross E. Lockhart
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The Book of Cthulhu in the News

Laird Barron’s “The Men from Porlock,” which appears in The Book of Cthulhu, has been listed in the Long Fiction category for this year’s Bram Stoker Award Reading List. And The Book of Cthulhu is listed on author Garrett Cook’s … Continue reading

November 23, 2011
by Ross E. Lockhart
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#FeedCthulhu Deadline Extended

This just in… we’ve had a few requests to extend the 24 Hour #FeedCthulhu Feed the Hungry Twitter Challenge. Some people just got the note, couldn’t #FeedCthulhu on time, or were planning to make a donation before meeting up with … Continue reading

November 22, 2011
by Ross E. Lockhart

24 Hour #FeedCthulhu Feed the Hungry Twitter Challenge

Note: We’ve just extended the 24 Hour #FeedCthulhu Feed the Hungry Twitter Challenge until midnight Thanksgiving. “My really favourite meal is the regular old New England turkey dinner, with highly seasoned dressing, cranberry sauce, onions, etc., and mince pie for … Continue reading